Receiving communion at Mass is for Catholics in good standing with the Church, and requires some preparation before receiving for the first time. Most Catholic children receive First Communion when they are in 2nd Grade (around the age of 7 or a bit older) and some of the details for this are below.
Older teens and adults who have yet to receive First Communion should enquire about RCIA, the Rite Of Christian Initiation of Adults.
Step 1: Contact the parish at (410) 272-4535 (ideally by the time the child enters 1st Grade)
Step 2: Schedule an initial meeting for the purposes of assessing the sacramental status of the child and choosing the best path forward.
Step 3: Attend monthly Family Formation events and participate in prayer, Mass and life at St. Joan of Arc. (Family formation can also be done at home in coordination with parish staff.)
Step 4: Schedule first reception of Holy Communion. (See note below)
First Communion is not just something to "get done", or a rite of passage. It is an important sacrament of faith. Children (and adults!) cannot grow in faith in a vacuum. They need to be part of a family and a church community. This is why we place a strong value on the involvement of the whole family in the process, and in the Parish. It is not just for the child. If you find this overwhelming, or you feel doubt about your own knowledge and capacity in regards to the Catholic faith, have no fears. Let us know your needs and we will help you, and provide you with all the resources, companionship and community you need to nurture you, your child and your whole family on your faith journey. Welcome home!
(Note on scheduling: First Eucharist is most often celebrated during the Easter season but can be at any time during the church year outside of Lent. Families are given the choice of scheduling First Eucharist at any weekend Mass. Celebrations may be single or multiple, with up to four families.)