People make charitable contributions for many different reasons. Some give to show compassion and support, while others want to make a positive impact on society or the environment. Many people, however are not aware of the tax reductions and financial advantages associated with charitable giving.
When you think of making a charitable gift, you probably think of giving cash. But, increasingly, other kinds of assets are used to make gifts because of the enhanced tax benefits. Stocks and bonds, real estate, insurance policies, and tangible personal property are notable examples.
Advantages of Estate Gifts:
* You retain control over your assets.
* Because your gift is revocable, you can change your mind.
* All charitable bequests are exempt from federal estate taxes.
There are many ways you can make a bequest to St. Joan of Arc Parish or School through your will. You can designate a specific amount, provide for others first, or leave a bequest to St. Joan of Arc Parish or School in the event that some other condition is not met.
You can designate St. Joan of Arc Parish or School as the beneficiary on a certificate of deposit, life insurance policy, commercial annuity or retirement plan.
You can open a bank account in trust for St. Joan of Arc Parish or School by simply filling our a card at your local bank. After your death, the money passes directly to St. Joan of Arc Parish or School.
You may give the remainder interest in a residence or farm to St. Joan of Arc Parish or School and retain the right to occupy the property.
There are also many ways to include St. Joan of Arc Parish or School in your estate plan through a charitable trust. A Planned Giving Committee member will be happy to discuss these with you.
Heritage Circle was established at SJA to give special recognition to those who have committed to support the ministries of SJA through their estate plans.
If you would like to know more about including St. Joan of Arc Parish or School in your estate plan, we welcome your inquiry.
Contact Person: Dan Webster (Planned Giving Chair) 410-272-6975