Devotions are forms of communal Catholic prayer other than the Mass. They do not hold the same importance as Catholic Mass, but focus on different aspects of Catholic belief. Devotional prayers are often many centuries old. The Church strongly encourages the practice of Devotions for strengthening personal faith and entering into the mysteries of Salvation in a very real and concrete way.
We have Eucharistic Adoration before the Blessed Sacrament EVERY FRIDAY after 8:30 AM Mass for an hour, except when it is the week of First Friday. We also provide an opportunity for Eucharistic Adoration in the chapel between the two Masses on Sunday mornings, from 9:30 AM - 11 AM.
Come and join us to pray the Rosary, in honor of the Blessed Virgin Mary, after 8:30 AM Mass on the 3rd Sunday of every month, usually about 9:35, in the chapel.
We have Stations of the Cross on Friday evenings during the season of Lent. In addition, the Knights of Columbus hold their Lenten Fish Fry in conjunction with Stations. So, first feed the body, and then feed the soul!